Public Administration N4 – Characteristics of a democratic state

Characteristics of a democratic state


Fundamentally, a state system aims to meet everyone’s needs collectively. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, summed up the problem of any state by stating that “Every state is a community of some kind, and every community is established with a view to some good for mankind and always acts to obtain that which they think is good.

But if all communities aim at a specific good, then the state or political community, which is the highest of them all, aims at the greatest good, and the highest good.”

Those who rule a community must therefore make sure that customs, traditions, legal procedures, and conventions are put into place to achieve the best for everyone. The administrative systems and processes should be democratic.


Characteristics of a democratic state


A democratic state operates on the following principles

1, The rulers are elected by the people of the country to govern them
2, The people grant the government a mandate to choose the method of rule.

3, Citizens contribute through various forms of taxation to assist the government in ensuring a better life for all. The government utilizes public administration to achieve this goal.

4, The government remains accountable to the people who elected them and are paying taxes, requiring them to provide reasons for their actions.

5, The relationship between the government and the community is regulated through national politics within the framework of the constitution
.Public Administration N4 – The state

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