Public Administration N4 – Provincial legislature and the powers of the premier

Read the scenario below and answer the questions.


The general elections in our country are held according to the proportional representation system. During these elections, members are elected to Parliament as well, as to the Provincial Legislature of the nine provinces.

Explain the term proportional representation system.

Proportional representation is an electoral system in which the distribution of seats in a legislative body is directly correlated with the level of support garnered by each political party during elections. In this system, the fundamental principle is to establish a proportional relationship between the percentage of votes a party receives and the corresponding share of seats it attains in the parliament or legislative body.

For instance, if a political party secures 70% of the total votes in the National elections, the proportional representation system dictates that they should be entitled to 70% of the seats in the National Assembly. This connection between the votes cast and the parliamentary seats allocated ensures that the composition of the legislative body accurately reflects the diverse political preferences of the electorate.


Describe the important role played by the Provincial Legislature by using the
following headings:

1, Composition of the Provincial Legislature

The Provincial Legislature typically consists of a specific number of members, ranging between 30 to 100, and their composition is determined through a proportional representation system during general elections.
This ensures that the distribution of seats aligns with the level of support
received by each political party.

The head of both the province and the Provincial Legislature is the Premier and is responsible for providing political leadership and direction in governing the province. Furthermore, members of the Provincial Legislature serve a term of office lasting five years

2, Legislative competence of the Provincial Legislature

The Legislative competence of the Provincial Legislature encompasses a broad range of crucial matters that significantly influence the governance and development of the province. The key areas over which the provincial legislature holds authority are agriculture, cultural affairs, education (excluding universities of technology and universities), health services, housing, language policy, police and protection services, public transport, tourism, local government, and environmental issues. Additionally, the legislature is empowered to discuss and pass bills related to gambling (except lotteries), public works, regional planning and development, traditional leaders, and urban and rural development.


Describe the important powers and functions of the Premier as the head of
the executive authority in provincial administration.

The premier in a provincial government has a wide array of responsibilities that are essential for the effective governance of the province. They include

1, Appointment and Dismissal of Executive Council Members:

As the head of the executive authority in provincial administration, the Premier holds the crucial power to appoint and dismiss members of the executive council. This helps to shape the provincial government’s direction and ensures that the executive team aligns with the Premier’s policy objectives.

2, Convening Executive Meetings:

The Premier is responsible for convening and presiding over executive meetings. This power enables the Premier to gather key decision-makers, discuss policy matters, and coordinate the implementation of government initiatives.

3, Assenting to and Signing Provincial Bills:

The Premier plays a pivotal role in the legislative process by having the authority to approve and sign provincial bills into law. This power reflects the government’s stance on various issues and its commitment to enacting laws that align with its policy agenda.

4, Referring Bills to the Provincial Legislature for Further Consideration:

In instances where the Premier deems it necessary, he may refer a bill back to the provincial legislature for further consideration. This function provides a mechanism for reviewing and refining proposed legislation, ensuring that it undergoes thorough scrutiny and aligns with the broader interests and needs of the province.

5, Referring Bills to the Constitutional Court for a Decision on Constitutionality: The Premier holds the authority to refer bills to the Constitutional Court for a determination on their constitutionality. This power underscores the Premier’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensures that proposed legislation complies with the constitutional framework. By seeking the court’s input, the Premier contributes to maintaining the legal integrity of the provincial legislative process.


Public Administration N4 – Requirements of members of the National Assembly.

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